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Friday, January 28, 2011

Have a light snack around 200 calories about 90 minutes or so before bedtime. Choose 1 or 2 foods from the list below:

Bananas are practically like a sleeping pill in a peel. Bananas contain a bit melatonin and serotonin, and magnesium which is a muscle relaxant.
Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has a mild sedating effect that is often used for sleeplessness.
Warm Milk

Warm milk contains the amino acid tryptophan which has a sedative-like effect, and contains calcium, which helps the brain use tryptophan.

Lots of sugar is stimulating, but a little glucose tells your brain to turn off orexin, which is a neurotransmitter that is linked to alertness. You can put a little honey in your warm milk or herb tea.

A small baked potato or mashed potatoes won’t overwhelm your gastrointestinal tract as it clears away acids that can interfere with tryptophan which induces sleep. To up the soothing effect, mash the potato with warm milk.

Oats are a rich source of melatonin. Melatonin promotes sleep. Try a small bowl of warm oatmeal cereal with a bit of maple syrup before bedtime. Oats are good for you and can also help to fill you up.

Almonds contain the amino acid tryptophan which has a sedative-like effect, and contain magnesium which helps muscles relax. Almonds are also good for your heart. Try a small handful of almonds before bedtime to help you sleep.
Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherry juice is rich in melatonin. Melatonin promotes sleep. Drink an 8 oz. glass in the morning and 2 hours before bedtime for sweet dreams.

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds on your bedtime oatmeal.
Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread releases insulin. Insulin helps tryptophan get to your brain. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin. Serotonin tells you it’s time to sleep. Have a slice of toast with your tea and honey.

Turkey is best known for it source of tryptophan. Tryptophan works when your stomach is basically empty, but a few lean slices or two of turkey on some whole wheat bread or a whole wheat bun is one of the best sleep inducers for restful sleep.
Cheese and 100% Whole Grain Crackers

Cheese and other dairy products contain tryptophan. Whole grains help produce serotonin. Cheese and whole grain crackers make for a great bedtime snack


When your mole is
  •  AT RIGHT EYEBROW - you will suddenly get married but you will be wed to someone who has good traits. You will both become rich.

  •  AT LEFT PART OF THE FIRST TWO MENTIONED - you will fail in all your plans of putting up a business.

  •  OUTSIDE CORNER OF THE EYE - you are strong and you have a good disposition in life but will die a tragic death.

  •  AT ANY PART OF THE FACE - you will not rise from an average level in life but will not be destitute.

  •  ON THE NOSE - you will succeed in all your endeavor.

  • ON THE LIPS, ABOVE YOUR LIPS OR BELOW YOUR LIPS - you are so fond of beautiful things, will live a long life, and will give everything for love.

  •  ON THE CHIN - you will be rich and will have many friends.

  • AT THE SIDES OF THE NECK - you will survive strangulation, or a tragic accident, and will live long. You will get an inheritance.

  •  ON THE NECK, AT THE THROAT PART - you will get rich when you marry.

  •   AT THE RIGHT CHEST - you will experience sudden changes from abundance to poverty and you will not be spared by these occurrences, will have children, all girls, and will live long.

  •   AT THE RIGHT, RIB PART - you will be a spender but will be clever.

  •   AT THE LEFT CHEST - you will be rich but will be hard to be with.

  •  BELOW THE CHEST, PART OF THE HEART AREA - if you are male, you will be friendly but seems to be confused, will love gambling, and will waste a lot of money. If you are a female, you will be faithful to your love, will have a sharp mind and will have good children.

  • AT THE RIGHT THIGH - you will be wealthy when you reach the age of 41 and will have a happy married life.

  • AT THE RIGHT KNEE - you will be lucky finding a partner but will experience sadness in life

  •  AT THE LEFT KNEE - you will be deciding poorly and without consideration. But you will be simple, honest and will change for the better.

  •  AT ANY PART OF THE LEG - you will not care about what will happen.

  •  AT ANY HEEL PART - if you are male, you will love clothes, and if you are a female, you will become strong, intelligent, active, industrious but hot headed.

  •  AT ANY FOOT PART - you will suddenly have an illness or an unexpected tragedy.

  •  AT THE RIGHT SHOULDER - this will mean carefulness, secrecy and wisdom

  •  AT THE LEFT SHOULDER - this will mean hardheadedness and uncontrolled emotions.

  •  AT THE RIGHT ARM - this will mean strength and courage.

  •  AT THE LEFT ARM - this will mean victory over every fight and success in money matters.

  • AT ANY ELBOW PART - this will mean absence of peace and disturbed dispositions.'

  • AT THE HEART PART - this will mean evil and cleverness.

  •   ON THE EAR - this will mean richness and respect.

  • ON THE STOMACH PART - this will mean luxury.

  •  AT THE LOWER PART OF THE RIGHT EAR - this will mean drowning.

  •  ON THE RIGHT FOOT - this will mean wisdom.

  •  ON THE LEFT FOOT - this will mean danger because of carelessness.

  •  ON ANY PART OF THE NECK - this will mean illness when you get old.

  •  ON ANY PART OF THE CHIN - you will have a steady disposition, will be industrious, successful, and will have many friends




2LBS PRICE:2299/-
5LBS PRICE:4799/-

            nutritional label:
Serving Size 1 Scoop (33g)
Amount Per Serving
Calories 130
Cholesterol 2mg
Carbohydrate 1g
Sugars less than1g
Protein 30g

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Sports Injuries:

There is nothing worse for an athlete, than being forced to pause because of an injury. Out of all injures, fractures are not always the worst. While a broken bone usually heals within 3 to 6 weeks, tendon and nerve injuries cure much slower. Because injured tendons and nerves don't restrict the training with a plaster, many athletes go back to training too soon, which slows down the recovery process. One of the most dangerous injuries are nerve-injuries. For example when a nerve gets overstretched, (often happens when the shoulder is dislocated) or when a nerve separates. The concerned muscles or muscle groups often stay paralyzed for a long time (sometimes even forever). Other common sports injuries are ruptures, inflammations, deformations, joint wear outs etc

Joint and Cartilage Injuries:

Joint and Cartilage Injuries cure very slow or never and treatment is very difficult. Joint injuries can be a result of yearlong heavy exercising (wear out effect) or a sudden excentric movement.

Muscle and Tendon injuries:

Athletes usually suffer a lot of different injuries during their active careers. Most muscle and tendon injureies result from concentric muscle contractions and bad warm up.

Nerve Injuries:

When a nerve is injured, sometimes you are not be able to move the concerned muscle at all. Nerve injuries can take very long to cure and in the worst case the affected muscle or muscle group can stay paralyzed forever.

Heat Stroke & Summer Workouts:

A heat stroke (heat injury) can occur when you work out or compete on a hot and / or humid summer day, don't drink enough or just push yourself too hard, while your skin is getting hotter and hotter. Heat strokes can be mortal and actually have a much higher death rate than most would expect. Especially those preparing for their first marathon or triathlon are at risk. Find more track and field topics at track and field main and sports injury related topics at injuries main .

What is Osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis is a bone structure disease where the bones become very fragile, because the bone mineral density (BMD) reduces. Osteoporosis often affects elder people and people who don't exercise - especially women. To avoid osteoporosis, it's suggested to drink a lot of milk (calcium) and exercise. Find more injury related topics at injuries main.

Stress Fractures - Hairline Fractures:

A stress fractures (hairline fracture) is an overuse injury caused by unusual repeated stress. Typically affected bones are the shin bone and foot bones. Unlike to normal traumatic fractures, stress fractures don't appear suddenly. They occur from repeated traumas, none of which is sufficient to cause a sudden break. Find more info about sports injuries at injuries main.

Muscle Contusions:

Muscle contusions = damage to a muscle through a direct impact. An impact to a muscles can cause much more damage than you might expect. In most contusion cases the muscle is crushed against the bone. For example when somebody puches ore kicks you in the leg, or when you fall on a stone. If contusions are not treated correctly myositis ossificans can result. (myositis ossificans = when the bone forms with the muscle = NOT GOOD) So don't underestimate this type of injury. Muscle Contusions are very common in combat sports. Find more information about sport injuries at injuries main.

Sports Injury First Aid:

The first few reactions after you injure yourself in a training are very important. If your first aid treatment is not appropriate, it can take several months until you can go back to normal training. The right first aid treatment is the first step to quick recovery. Find more injury related topics at injuries main.



Stretching used to be considered the main activity before a workout. That has all changed now. Stretching is still a beneficial activity prior to working out, but only after you have sufficiently warmed up. The reason for this is that stretching cold muscles can directly contribute to pulled and torn muscles. It's also now known that stretching is important after a workout as well. Stretching properly may reduce muscle injuries and provides these benefits:
  • an increase in flexibility and joint range of motion    
  • correct exercise posture
  • relaxed muscles
  • better sports coordination


The different types of stretching are:
  • Static Stretches   - Stretches where no motion is involved.
    • Static Passive  - No motion and no action is involved.
    • Static Active    - No motion, but a action is involved.
      For example when somebody pushes you down.

  • Dynamic Stretches - When motion is involved.
    • Dynamic Ballistic - When you work with the elasticity of the muscle.

  • Isometric Stretches - When a muscle is stretched and contracted at the same time.

  • PNF Stretches - Combination of static, isometric and sometimes dynamic stretches.


  • Static Passive Stretching - can be applied daily.

  • Static Active Stretching - can be applied daily.

  • Most Dynamic Stretching Techniques - can be applied 4 or 5 times per week.

  • Dynamic Ballistic Stretching - can be applied 3 to 4 times per week.

  • Isometric Stretching - can be applied 3 times per week. Not for growing children.

  • PNF-Stretching Techniques - should not be applied more then 3 times per week.
    Not for growing children

Stretching has to be done right to have benefits, though. Here are some tips on stretching properly:

Stop if it hurts. Stretching should never hurt. If you have reached a point in your stretch where it hurts, relax to where it feels comfortable and hold the stretch.

Maintain each stretch for 10-30 seconds. Holding a stretch for any less won't sufficiently lengthen the muscle. Stretch the muscles gradually and don't force it. Avoid bobbing. Bobbing or bouncing while stretching may damage the muscle you are stretching. This damage may even cause scar tissue to form. Scar tissue tightens muscles and can get in the way of flexibility.

Remember to breathe. Breathing is a necessary part of any workout, including stretching.

Practice equality. Even if you are a righty, it doesn't mean that you should neglect the left side of your body. Make sure you stretch both sides equally, so all of your muscles are evenly ready for action.
If you play a sport, you should do-warm ups that go with that sport. The same is true for stretching. These types of stretches are known as sports-specific stretches, and they focus on the muscles that are used for your particular sport. For instance, if you play baseball you might focus on your shoulder for throwing or your forearm for batting........

Tuesday, January 18, 2011




BMI Calculation Formulaes

If you’re measuring in pounds, here’s the formula:

BMI    =          Weight in pounds x 703
                              Height in inches 2

For calculating your BMI using Kilograms, the formula is

BMI   =                Weight in kgs
                     Height in metres 2

For instance, if a person who is 5’8’’ and weighs 140 pounds, his BMI will be 21.2 ( 140 x 703 / 68 x 68).
Once you calculate you BMI, you can compare it to a scale which will tell you your weight status. Different countries use different scales, but this is the scale suggested by the US Department of Health and Human Services:

BMI                                 Weight Status

Below 18.5                               Underweight
18.5-24.9                                Normal
25 – 29.9                                 Overweight
Above 30                                 Obese

If the scale shows you that you’re underweight or overweight, this may be a good time for you to start a new exercise and diet regime. Of course, the best range for you to be in is between 18.5 and 24.9. If you’re above or below this, you may want to consider a new weight training program to help you lose or gain weight. This needs to go hand in hand with aerobic exercise, stretching and eating healthy.Keep in mind, though, that BMI should just be considered a guideline to your status, and is not a litmus test of your health. It does not take into consideration many factors like body type or muscle weight and does not work too well for those who are extremely tall. For instance, bodybuilders usually weigh much more than the average person, but cannot be considered obese in any way........




Dark Chocolate And Health Benefits:

Chocolate Contains cocoa and sugars and that’s the reason it has been categorized to have a negative impact on the body. That is what everybody believes. But certain chocolate effects on the body are positive and this assists in healthy heart functions. Dark chocolates have been recommended as they don’t have too much sugar in them. They also have the ability to fight several dreaded diseases.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolates

  • Healthy dark chocolate with decreased proportion of sugar has been considered to be great for heart disease, cancer and various other dreaded diseases. This has indeed made people aware about its great benefits on human health.

  • The type of chocolate, whether milk or dark chocolate, releases endorphins in the brain which work in order to relieve pain.

  • It also increases the appetite and provides freedom to the people suffering from migraine attacks.

  • Chocolate intake increases longevity of life and reduces risk of heart disease as well as cancer.

  • It also helps to reduce stress and provides calmness to the mind as well as the body.

  • Dark chocolate has magnesium which helps in healthy functioning of the heart.

  • Dark chocolates can lower your blood pressure.

  • Dark chocolate when taken with milk serves as an antioxidant. These anti oxidants help the body to be free from toxins.

  • Low calorie chocolate is beneficial to the body.

These benefits of dark chocolates not only encourage chocolate lovers but also other people so as to consume the right chocolate for better body functions. Processed chocolates have higher amount of caffeine and Theo-bromine which trigger headaches and the sugars present can worsen acne. So intake of small amount of chocolate regularly is good for health. Making chocolates at home with the desired proportion of ingredients, with very little or no added sugar will surely be good for your health and you can enjoy the flavor of chocolate as well............

Monday, January 17, 2011


Biological Value

The Biological Value (BV) is a scale of measurement used to determine what percentage of a given nutrient source is utilized by the body. The scale is most frequently applied to protein sources, particularly whey protein. Biological Value is derived from providing a measure intake of protein, then determining the nitrogen uptake versus nitrogen excretion. The theoretical highest BV of any food source is 100%. In short - BV refers to how well and how quickly your body can actually use the protein you consume.

BV Chart:

Whey Protein Isolate = 159

Whey Protein Concentrate = 104

Eggs whole = 100

Eggs white = 88

Chicken / Turkey = 79

Fish = 70

Lean Beef = 69

Cow's Milk = 60

Unpolished Rice = 59

Brown Rice = 57

White Rice = 56

Peanuts = 55

Peas = 45

Whole Wheat = 49

Soy beans = 47

Wholegrain Wheat = 44

Corn = 36

Dry Beans = 34

White Potato = 34




1. Cowpeas and leafy tips that are cooked and drained (may be added with salt)

2. Raw and fresh egg whites

3. Cheeses such as cottage cheese, non-creamed cheese, dry cheese, and non-fat cheese

4. Dried seaweed and spirulina

5. Extra-Firm or Silken-Lite Mori-Nu Tofu

6. Soy sauce from tamari

7. Low-fat, 1% milk-fat cottage cheese

8. Lite-Firm Mori-Nu Tofu

9. Raw pumpkin leaves

10. Nuts and seeds such as cashew nuts, walnuts, and almonds


1. Red meat such as beef, pork, and liver

2. White meat such as chicken and fish

3. Eggs and dairy products such as:

a. Hard cheeses including Parmesan
b. Soft cheeses such as Mozzarella, Brie, and Camembert
c. Medium cheeses such as cheddar and Swiss
d. Yogurt
e. Cottage cheese
f. Milk
g. Eggs

4. Legumes - These are edible dried beans (seedpods) such as chickpeas, flagelot beans, kidney beans, split beans, haricot beans, and lentils. They are rich sources of protein.

5. Nuts and seeds - Over the years, nuts and seeds have been among the best sources of protein. Examples of nuts are almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, and walnuts. These can be served chopped, raw, or roasted.

6. Cereals and food grains - Eating protein-rich cooked grains promotes muscle building.

7. Algae - A type of seaweed, spirulina is among the best protein-rich foods there are.

8. Fruits - With today's technology, fruits can be eaten canned, frozen, or dried. Regardless of how they are prepared, fruits are still nutritious and included in the list of protein-rich foods.

9. Vegetables - Laden with protein, vitamins, and minerals, vegetables are known to be among the best foods for staying healthy.

10. Seitan - Seitan is a meat substitute. It is prepared from whole-wheat flour mixed with sufficient amount of water, kneaded and rinsed in water, expelling starch and bran. The protein is simmered in a soya sauce to become seitan. Seitan broth can be added as flavoring.


  • Have 5 to 6 quality meals a day.(40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, 20% fats)

  • If you find it hard to get in those 5-6 meals per day then substitute a meal or two with a meal replacement.

  • Get in some cardio work if you want to loose fat and help your cardiovascular system.A strong cardiovascular system will help you with your workouts by giving you the endurance that you need. 3-4 days per week for 30-45 minutes per session is fine. (Stairstepper, walking, running, biking, etc..)

  • Drink 8 glasses or more of water per day.(This helps you to be hydrated and it helps you to cleanse your system of any impurities.)

  • Eat within 1 hour, after working out to help your body recouperate. Your body will need carbs and protein to help build muscle.

  • Take a mult-vitamin and multi-mineral.

  • Supplement your diet with high quality protein.Whey protein is the best)

  • Get 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

  • Spread out this protein over the 5-6 small meals that you are going to eat.

  • Try creatine monohydrate (I get a great pump with this supplement and it makes me stronger)

  • Stay away from Junk Food.

  • Take one day per week and eat what you like.(Don't go crazy)

  • Workout with weights 3-4 days per week. Lift heavy using good form. (Be consistent  for results)

  • Warm up for 10 to 15 minutes before working out.(Avoid Injuries by Warming Up)

  • Don't forget to breathe. (Believe it or not, a lot of people hold their breath) Breathe out with exertion.

  • Workout large muscles first  (Legs, back, chest) before smaller muscles.

  • Don't throw weights around. Proper form should be followed at all times.(Avoid Injuries by using proper form)

  • Try stretching.(After your workout so that you are already warmed up, it helps recovery)

  • Mixup your Workout  every 2 to 3 weeks.(Your body gets used to the same workout and your body will adapt)
    This also helps with boredom.

  • Keep your workouts to no more than 1 to 1 1/2 hours long.

  • Get a workout logbook  for tracking your workouts, cardio, meals and supplements.

  • Visualize  your workouts going great. Checkout visualization here.

  • Make sure that you get adequate sleep and rest  (This differs from person to person)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


  • The length from your wrist to your elbow is the same as the length of your foot.

  • Your heart beats 101,000 times a day. During your lifetime it will beat about 3 billion times and pump about 400 million litres (800 million pints) of blood.

  • It is impossible to lick your elbow. Well, for almost everyone… but a few can.

  • Your mouth produces 1 litre (1.8 pints) of saliva a day.

  • The human head contains 22 bones. More on the head and brains On average, you breathe 23,000 times a day.

  • Breathing generates about 0.6g of CO2 every minute.

  • On average, people can hold their breath for about one minute. The world record is 21 minutes 29 seconds, by david merlini.

    • On average, you speak almost 5,000 words a day – although almost 80% of speaking is self-talking (talking to yourself).

    • Over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialized nations increased by 10 cm (4 in).

    • In the 19th century, American men were the tallest in the world, averaging 1,71 metres (5’6″). Today, the average height  for American men is 1,763 m (5 feet 9-and-half inches), compared to 1,815 m (5’10″) for Swedes, and 1,843 m (5’11″) for the Dutch, the tallest Caucasians.

    • The tallest nation in the world is the Watusis of Burundi: 1.98 m (6 feet 6 inches) tall.

    • If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you’ll feel thirsty.

    • It is impossible to sneeze and keep one’s eyes open at the same time.

    • 55% of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn.

    • Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, suggested that a woman could enlarge her bust line by singing loudly and often.

    • A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water.

    • You’ll drink about 75,000 litres (20,000 gallons) of water  in your lifetime.

    • After a certain period of growth, hair becomes dormant. That means that it is attached to the hair follicle until replaced by new hair.

    • Hair on the head grows for between two and six years before being replaced. In the case of baldness, the dormant hair was not replaced with new hair.

    • Men loose about 40 hairs a day. Women loose about 70 hairs a day.

    • In the Middle Ages the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow was called an ell.

    • A person remains conscious for eight seconds after being decapitated.

    • The first successful human sex change took place in 1950 when Danish doctor Christian Hamburger operated on New Yorker george jorgensen, who became Christine Jorgensen.

    • The muscle that lets your eye blink is the fastest muscle in your body. It allows you to blink 5 times a second.

    • On average, you blink 15 000 times a day. Women blink twice as much as men.

    • A typical athlete’s heart churns out 25 to 30 litres (up to 8 gallons) of blood per minute.

    • We have four basic tastes plus umami. The salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the base, and sour along the sides; umami is a mixture of tastes sensed along the center of the tongue.

    • Not all our taste buds are on our tongue; about 10% are on the palette and the cheeks.

    • Unless food is mixed with saliva  you cannot taste it.

    • The liver is the largest of the body’s internal organs. The skin is the body’s largest organ.

    • On average a hiccup lasts 5 minutes.

    • Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.

    • Your middle fingernail grows the fastest.

    • Your finger nails grow at 1 nanometre per second (0.000 000 001 m/s). Your hair grows at 4 nanometres per second (0.000 000 004 m/s).

    • It takes about 3 months for the transplanted hair to start growing again.

    • About 13% of people is left handed. Up from 11% in the past.

    • In 1900, a person could expect to live to be 47. Today, the average life expectancy for men and women in developed countries is longer than 70 years.

    • A newborn baby’s head accounts for one-quarter of its weight.

    • King Henry I, who ruled in the England in the 12th century, standardized the yard as the distance from the thumb of his outstretched arm to his nose.

    • The bones in your body are not white – they range in color from beige to light brown. The bones you see in museums are white because they have been boiled and cleaned.

    • Our eyes are always the same size from birth.

    • Every person has a unique tongue print.

    • If all your DNA is stretched out, it would reach to the moon 6,000 times.

    • Approximately two-thirds of a person’s body weight is water. Blood is 92% water. The brain is 75% water and muscles are 75% water.

    • The colored part of the eye is called the iris. Behind the iris is the soft, rubbery lens which focuses the light on to a layer, called the retina, in the back of the eye. The retina contains about 125 million rods and 7 million cones. The rods pick up shades of gray and help us see in dim light. The cones work best in bright light to pick up colors.

    • We actually do not see with our eyes – we see with our brains