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Monday, January 17, 2011


  • Have 5 to 6 quality meals a day.(40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, 20% fats)

  • If you find it hard to get in those 5-6 meals per day then substitute a meal or two with a meal replacement.

  • Get in some cardio work if you want to loose fat and help your cardiovascular system.A strong cardiovascular system will help you with your workouts by giving you the endurance that you need. 3-4 days per week for 30-45 minutes per session is fine. (Stairstepper, walking, running, biking, etc..)

  • Drink 8 glasses or more of water per day.(This helps you to be hydrated and it helps you to cleanse your system of any impurities.)

  • Eat within 1 hour, after working out to help your body recouperate. Your body will need carbs and protein to help build muscle.

  • Take a mult-vitamin and multi-mineral.

  • Supplement your diet with high quality protein.Whey protein is the best)

  • Get 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

  • Spread out this protein over the 5-6 small meals that you are going to eat.

  • Try creatine monohydrate (I get a great pump with this supplement and it makes me stronger)

  • Stay away from Junk Food.

  • Take one day per week and eat what you like.(Don't go crazy)

  • Workout with weights 3-4 days per week. Lift heavy using good form. (Be consistent  for results)

  • Warm up for 10 to 15 minutes before working out.(Avoid Injuries by Warming Up)

  • Don't forget to breathe. (Believe it or not, a lot of people hold their breath) Breathe out with exertion.

  • Workout large muscles first  (Legs, back, chest) before smaller muscles.

  • Don't throw weights around. Proper form should be followed at all times.(Avoid Injuries by using proper form)

  • Try stretching.(After your workout so that you are already warmed up, it helps recovery)

  • Mixup your Workout  every 2 to 3 weeks.(Your body gets used to the same workout and your body will adapt)
    This also helps with boredom.

  • Keep your workouts to no more than 1 to 1 1/2 hours long.

  • Get a workout logbook  for tracking your workouts, cardio, meals and supplements.

  • Visualize  your workouts going great. Checkout visualization here.

  • Make sure that you get adequate sleep and rest  (This differs from person to person)

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