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Wednesday, January 19, 2011



Stretching used to be considered the main activity before a workout. That has all changed now. Stretching is still a beneficial activity prior to working out, but only after you have sufficiently warmed up. The reason for this is that stretching cold muscles can directly contribute to pulled and torn muscles. It's also now known that stretching is important after a workout as well. Stretching properly may reduce muscle injuries and provides these benefits:
  • an increase in flexibility and joint range of motion    
  • correct exercise posture
  • relaxed muscles
  • better sports coordination


The different types of stretching are:
  • Static Stretches   - Stretches where no motion is involved.
    • Static Passive  - No motion and no action is involved.
    • Static Active    - No motion, but a action is involved.
      For example when somebody pushes you down.

  • Dynamic Stretches - When motion is involved.
    • Dynamic Ballistic - When you work with the elasticity of the muscle.

  • Isometric Stretches - When a muscle is stretched and contracted at the same time.

  • PNF Stretches - Combination of static, isometric and sometimes dynamic stretches.


  • Static Passive Stretching - can be applied daily.

  • Static Active Stretching - can be applied daily.

  • Most Dynamic Stretching Techniques - can be applied 4 or 5 times per week.

  • Dynamic Ballistic Stretching - can be applied 3 to 4 times per week.

  • Isometric Stretching - can be applied 3 times per week. Not for growing children.

  • PNF-Stretching Techniques - should not be applied more then 3 times per week.
    Not for growing children

Stretching has to be done right to have benefits, though. Here are some tips on stretching properly:

Stop if it hurts. Stretching should never hurt. If you have reached a point in your stretch where it hurts, relax to where it feels comfortable and hold the stretch.

Maintain each stretch for 10-30 seconds. Holding a stretch for any less won't sufficiently lengthen the muscle. Stretch the muscles gradually and don't force it. Avoid bobbing. Bobbing or bouncing while stretching may damage the muscle you are stretching. This damage may even cause scar tissue to form. Scar tissue tightens muscles and can get in the way of flexibility.

Remember to breathe. Breathing is a necessary part of any workout, including stretching.

Practice equality. Even if you are a righty, it doesn't mean that you should neglect the left side of your body. Make sure you stretch both sides equally, so all of your muscles are evenly ready for action.
If you play a sport, you should do-warm ups that go with that sport. The same is true for stretching. These types of stretches are known as sports-specific stretches, and they focus on the muscles that are used for your particular sport. For instance, if you play baseball you might focus on your shoulder for throwing or your forearm for batting........

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